
Private Coaching

For individuals who are uncomfortable working in a group setting, one on one coaching offers clients an intimate and private setting in which to do his/her work. The session is witnessed only by the horse and the coach and fosters a safe and secure environment to encourage personal growth and learning.

Private sessions are designed around issues currently in the forefront of the client’s awareness. With attention and energy focused on the intention, one on one coaching can help pin point behaviors and habits that are keeping us stuck and accelerate new habits that, with practice, will propel us forward.

Any and all information gathered during a private coaching session remains strictly confidential.

Unlike group classes, private coaching sessions are scheduled at the convenience of the client. Times and days are flexible.

On-Going Support:
As growth and change begins to manifest, one on one sessions follow suit. Clients enjoy progressive learning over a period of time where they are encouraged to stretch and reach for that which they are claiming for themselves.